8 903 833 36 02 Ежедневно с 10:00 до 19:00 МСК
8 915 772-65-33 Отгрузка заказов:

Payment methods for the order on Avtorestyler.ru

In cash at the order pick-up point (0-50% prepayment) 

  • Payment of the order in cash, at the pick-up points, WITHOUT prepayment, if the necessary parts are available at the pick-up point or in our warehouse. If there are no parts for your order in stock, an advance payment of 30-50 will be required to prepare them for pickup%.

According to the invoice issued (100% prepayment) 

  • Payment of the order according to the invoice issued through any bank, prepayment of the order is 100%. An invoice can be issued to both an individual and an organization. To issue an invoice, you will need either the installation data of an individual or the details of the customer's organization. The cost of goods in the catalog is indicated without taxes! We work without VAT.  
  • Payment of the order according to the invoice issued, via the PayPal payment system, 100% prepayment of the order. To issue an invoice, you will need your PayPal account number.

Independently to the card (50-100% prepayment) 

  • Payment of the order independently, through branches of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, a terminal, ATMs or by transfer from card to card, prepayment of the order 50-100% by agreement, in cases when your order is sent by transport companies.