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Bumper spoilers VW Touareg (7L) 2002-2009

Volkswagen Touareg 7L '2007-2009 Je Design trim on the front bumper
Volkswagen Touareg 7L '2002-2009 Je Design trim on the rear bumper
Bumper spoilers VW Touareg (7L) 2002-2009

Bumper pads and bumper skirts Volkswagen Touareg 7L for cars from 2002 to 2009, before and after restyling, first generation, fiberglass, with rare exceptions decorative functionality, as well as bumpers, have seats for installing daytime running lights in the front, as well as openings for installing exhaust masks or decorative nozzles on the exhaust system, as well as rear bumper pads are able to partially close the spare wheel, exhaust system elements, etc.